30 Black Characters
In June 2020, while stuck at home during the global Covid19 pandemic, I drew one fictional black / black coded character for each day of the month. I decided to do this in response to the international Black Lives Matter protests following the murder of George Floyd, a black man unjustly killed by a police officer. I included both positive and some pretty awful examples of black representation in media I’ve grown up with, mostly from cartoons and games.

Token from South Park. I chose Token to represent the concept of tokenism. I loved South Park when I was younger, I’m not sure how I feel about it now. Unfortunately, this won’t be the last token black character I’ll be drawing this month. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Poussey from Orange is the New Black. An excellent character. Unfortunately, her story is currently very relevant. I won’t say more than that, you’ll just have to watch it. It was hard to capture her likeness without her smile. #pridemonth #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Mr. Popo from Dragon Ball Z. While not human, he clearly takes inspiration from racist imagery such as golliwogs / minstrelsy. Despite this, DBZ is pretty popular with black men and boys. Some compartmentalization is required. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Garnet from Steven Universe. Not human, but arguably coded black and appears on the depressingly sparse lists of black cartoon characters I found online. Voiced by Black-British singer Estelle. #pridemonth #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Combo from Jet Set Radio Future. My favourite character from one of my favourite games. His height, boombox and giant ¥ chain may play into some stereotypes, but I love this guy nonetheless. Appropriately, the enemies in JSRF are the police. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Nessa from Pokémon Sword and Shield. Although her race isn’t specified, many fans have embraced her as black. She’s also popular with black cosplayers. Unfortunately, it also became a meme to draw whitewashed fan art of her as a “protest”. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Carl from The Simpsons. Homer’s friend, Carl is one of the few black characters in the show. He doesn’t really have much of an impact, but there is something endearing about his mundanity I guess. Voiced by Hank Azaria of Apu infamy. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Mammy Two Shoes from Tom and Jerry. An example of the racist mammy trope. In the show she’s only seen from the shoulders down, so you never see her face. The face I depicted here is based on a few frames where it was shown for a split second. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Finn from Star Wars. A storm trooper who deserts after orders to attack civilians. John Boyega, who portrays Finn, has been vocal in the London BLM protests. Boyega and the other POC cast of the new trilogy have been harassed by racist “fans”. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Carole from Carole & Tuesday. A rare black leading woman in anime. Carole is a pianist and singer, in a world where most music is produced by AI. Her vocals are sung by black singer Nai Br.XX. Probably one of the most diverse anime I’ve seen. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Mr. Game & Watch from Super Smash Bros. Obviously tongue in cheek. I wanted to highlight, with 75 playable characters celebrating the “diversity” of Nintendo, there are no unambiguously black fighters other than a few alternate “costumes”. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Marshmallow from Bob’s Burgers. A rare black trans animated character. She is respected and well-liked by other characters. However, the show does resort to trans stereotypes. She is voiced by a cis white man. #pridemonth #transwomenarewomen #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Russel from Gorillaz. Drummer of the animated band Gorillaz. He was possessed by the ghost of his rapper friend Del who was killed in a drive-by shooting. Russel and Del represent Gorillaz’ Hip-Hop influence and collaborations with rappers. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

JJ from The Beano. My favourite comic as a child. JJ, the only black character, was introduced in 2017. When I read it, the only non-white characters were the Native American caricature Little Plum 'Your Redskin Chum' and his Smellyfeet tribe. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Marina from Splatoon 2. In Splatoon you play as an Inkling (squid person). As well as being the only black NPC, Marina is an Octoling, the octopus counterpart to Inklings. Octolings are generally enemies, but Marina is “one of the good ones”. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Jim Crow from Dumbo. Leader of the crows that teach Dumbo how to fly. A reference to Jim Crow racial segregation laws and a blackface minstrel character of the same name. Jim Crow laws were still in place in America when Dumbo was released. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Susie from Rugrats. Voiced by Cree Summer who said in an interview, “Let’s face it, I do the voices of all the animated brown girls. There still aren’t that many. Because there’s this really crazy belief that black girls don’t watch cartoons.” #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Barret from Final Fantasy VII. An angry black man with a strong resemblance to Mr. T. The leader of the eco-terrorist group Avalanche. His right arm has been replaced with a gun. I know FF7 Remake just came out, but I prefer Lego brick Barret. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Huey from The Boondocks. An anime influenced satire of politics and African American culture. Huey, who describes himself as a revolutionary, is the cynical and political protagonist. He builds a stun glove he calls “the Black Power Fist”. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Shuri from Black Panther. Sister of the protagonist, Shuri is a scientist and inventor. With a mostly black cast and a black director, Black Panther was a milestone in superhero blockbusters. Its success shows the desire for black heroes. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Gerald from Hey Arnold! Arnold’s best friend. He has an incredibly high, high-top fade accentuated by his unusual head shape. Hey Arnold! was a surprisingly diverse cartoon, especially for the 90s, with characters from various backgrounds. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack
![Tuca from Tuca & Bertie. Voiced by black actor Tiffany Haddish, Tuca is impulsive, confident and newly sober. A really great show with 2 female leads. It was cancelled by Netflix after 1 season, but is coming back on [adult swim]! #pridemonth #blackl](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5f049e4c442f31314aa9fc3b/1595379891794-V4DEO2ZSJ08SL8B9O47T/Tuca%402x.png)
Tuca from Tuca & Bertie. Voiced by black actor Tiffany Haddish, Tuca is impulsive, confident and newly sober. A really great show with 2 female leads. It was cancelled by Netflix after 1 season, but is coming back on [adult swim]! #pridemonth #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Miles from Spider-Man. Although some fans have criticized missteps with the character, Miles is part of a push Marvel have been making to improve diversity in their comics. Miles is the lead of, for my money, the best Spider-Man film to date. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Numbuh 5 from Codename: Kids Next Door. Another black girl voiced by Cree Summer. Numbuh 5 is an intelligent and fun character that doesn’t lean on stereotypes or caricature, at a time when there weren’t many black girls in animation. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

PaRappa from PaRappa the Rapper. The original music rhythm game. The sequel is one of my favourite games. PaRappa is voiced by black voice actor and rapper Dred Foxx. In fact, the majority of the voice cast are black or POC, uncommon in games. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Wolf from Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts. A cranky lone wolf who reluctantly helps Kipo. I only started watching it this month, but I like it enough to add Wolf to this project. All the main human characters are black or have a black parent. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Afro from Afro Samurai. Voiced by Samuel L. Jackson. After witnessing his father’s murder at the hands of a white gunman named Justice, he goes on a bloody quest for revenge. The hip hop infused score was produced by RZA from Wu-Tang Clan. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Clem from The Walking Dead. She grows up over the course of the games, getting tougher to cope with her apocalyptic world. Fans seem to debate Clem’s ethnicity, but several creators have confirmed she is African-American and Asian. #pridemonth #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Brandeis from The Red Strings Club. One of 3 playable characters, Brandeis is a hacker and revolutionary in a cyberpunk world. I naively thought it would be easier to find representation in Indie games than in AAA games. It wasn’t. #pridemonth #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack

Villager from Animal Crossing: New Horizons. It’s now finally possible to create a black character with a black hairstyle. Previously, the only way to get a “black” avatar was a temporary tan (in summer) or an, essentially blackface, Mii Mask. #blacklivesmatter #drawingwhileblack